Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Podcast for Inquiry S02E15: Escaping North Korea with Eunju Kim

How does one survive in an authoritarian regime, where you are sent away for education if the frame holding a picture of the Dear Leader gets dirty? When no one has enough to eat? Eunju Kim is the author of A Thousand Miles to Freedom, which describes her harrowing escape from North Korea to Seoul. She discusses how the Kim dynasty is worshiped in North Korea, much like a God. Eunju details how escaping from North Korea is much harder today than it was when she fled. Today Eunju works for Freedom Speakers International, helping North Korean refugees settle into their new lives in South Korea. 

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1 comment:

  1. Isolating North Korea hasn't worked, so maybe we should try openness, as per the J-Curve Model? Let's show them a better way, and the regime will implode...

