Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Podcast for Inquiry S03E04: Burkas, beatings and bicycles - The life of Yasmine Mohammed

Yasmine Mohammed is a human rights activist and author of Unveiled: How the West Empowers Radical Muslims. Yasmine is one of the most prominent and vocal figures supporting persecuted freethinkers across the globe, from elevating the voices of marginalized freethinkers on her podcast, to creating a global network of allies across religious and political divides through the CLARITy Coalition.

Yasmine shares how her childhood was dramatically changed when her mother became an unofficial “second wife” to a devout Muslim man, and how Canada failed to protect her due to the bigotry of low expectations. She describes her journey from non-practicing Muslim to becoming an open atheist, and how the trauma of her childhood continued to haunt her as an adult. We also discuss how countries suffer under Islamic rule, the particular hatred of Jews that is a core element of Islam, and the origin of and problems with the term Islamophobia. 

Learn more about Yasmine and support her efforts: 

Free Hearts Free Minds

Yasmine Mohammed Podcast

Unveiled: How the West Empowers Radical Muslims

Clarity Coalition

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A video recording is also available: 

1 comment:

  1. We seem to have forgotten that the three pillars of the Enlightenment called for INDIVIDUALISM alongside Rationalism and Relativism! How is personal dependency still a thing in the West? Neediness breeds Religiosity... The only way to protect women is through political, legal and financial freedom from men! And where is the hierarchy of rights? Religious and parental freedoms should be well down the list...

    The trouble with banning the hijab is that doing so just elicits a normalization backlash from the useful idiots and a means for some teenaged girls to rebel against their secular Muslim-background parents and the West. ISIS brides, anyone? Make no mistake, the inclusion of hijab-clad women in photos/graphics meant to represent institutional diversity and pluralism is a direct response to laïcité, when tolerating by ignoring would preclude the blight of having to reframe the practice as a valid choice instead of seeing it as the manifestation of self-hatred that it is! And laïcité didn't prevent Quebec schools from hiring highly-problematic Islamist teachers, presumably because they weren't hijabis? How ironic that this happened in Quebec and not anywhere else in Canada, which subscribes to a different definition of secularism, and apparently vets teachers better! Focusing on actual objectionable behaviour instead of projecting thought crimes onto misguided women is far more effective...

    What were the Western women who chopped off their hair to protest hijab laws in Iran thinking? They should have been whipping their long, lush just-had-sex-but-not-with-you hair back and forth to mock and taunt little men instead! I have found that being really nice to women in hijabs while appearing super-glam oneself is far more effective at empowering them to abandon headscarves! There is no known force in the universe more powerful against misogynistic modesty than shoe-envy...

    And speaking of glamour: What gives with all the Aga Khans marrying White models, preferably fair-skinned, light-eyed and blonde, and therefore being more directly descended from Westerners of European heritage than from Mohammed, whom Ismailis claim as an ancestor? Surely people who identify as intellectuals so strongly understand basic genetic arithmetic, which shows that beyond one's great-grandparents, one's biological link to any particular antecedent falls off a cliff?
