Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Podcast for Inquiry S3E17: Science Denial: Why It Happens and What To Do About It, with Gale Sinatra

Everyone is vulnerable to fallacies that can lead to misunderstanding scientific topics. In her book (written with Barbara Hofer), Science Denial: Why It Happens and What To Do About It, Gale investigates many of these, including:

  • Cognitive biases
  • Emotions
  • Motivated reasoning 
  • Identities 

Gale also explains what all of us can do to increase our scientific literacy. Science is better understood as a process, with different disciplines advancing knowledge via different means, employing various techniques. It is much more than just a collection of facts to be understood. We can also move from an absolutist view of the world to a more evaluative perspective, and with that additional complexity and nuance comes a deeper and more accurate understanding.

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A video recording is also available: 

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Podcast for Inquiry S3E17: Anti-natalism with Mark Maharaj

Anti-natalism is the philosophical idea that choosing to have children is an unethical act. Mark explains what anti-natalism is, as well as what it isn’t, and describes how he came to subscribe to anti-natalist thought. 

Learn more about anti-natalism from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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A video recording is also available: